
Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

DotA Modes and Commands

Common Game Modes:

NOTE: Type the code at the start of the game (Example: -ap)

-ap All Pick. Each player is allowed to pick a hero from any tavern.
-ar All Random. Each player is given a random hero from any tavern.
-rd Random Draft. 20 random heroes from any tavern are selected and players take turns picking from them.
-sd Single Draft. Each player chooses from one of 3 individual random heroes.
-cd Captains Draft. 24 random heroes are selected. Then Blue and Pink take turns banning heroes, then picking heroes. Then the players on each team pick from their team's heroes.
-cm Captains Mode. Blue and Pink take turns banning heroes, then take turns picking heroes. These heroes are then chosen by members of their team.
-em Easy Mode. Towers are weaker, and players get extra gold and experience.
-dm Death Match. When you die you are given a new hero. The game can end normally, or when one team reaches a certain amount of deaths. lives # can be used to set life limit, and -nd to remove respawn timer along with this mode.

Other Game Modes:


-rs Random Side. Places each team on a random side.
-du Duplicate. More than one of each hero can be played.
-sp Shuffle Players. Randomly switches around players from each team.
-xl Extended League. Both Sides will take turns picking heroes. Each team captain can pick 4 heroes to remove from the pool.
-om Only Mid. Only the middle lane is used.
-sc Super Creeps. Powerful creeps will spawn every 10 minutes.
-lm League Mode. Both Sides will take turns picking heroes.
-mm Mirror Mode. After one minute, each team will have the same heroes.
-tr Team Random. You will be given a random hero from your taverns.
-mr Mode Random. Selects a random game mode.
-vr Vote Random. You will be given a random hero from the voted groupset.
-rv Reverse. You pick a hero for your opponent.
-oi Observer Info. Disables extra information display for observers.
-sh Same Hero. All players will be given the hero that Blue has.
-aa All Agility. Only Agility heroes are used.
-ai All Intelligence. Only Intelligence heroes are used.
-as All Strength. Only Strength heroes are used.
-id Item Drop. When you die, a random inventory slot will drop an item.
-np No Powerups. No runes spawn.
-nt No Top. The top lane is not used.
-nm No Mid. The middle lane is not used.
-nb No Bot. The bottom lane is not used.
-ns No Swap. Swapping heroes is not allowed.
-nr No Repick. Repicking heroes is not allowed.
-pm Pooling Mode. All items can be used by other players.
-mi Mini Heroes. All heroes are half normal size.
-fr Fast Respawn. Reduces death times by 50%.
-mo Melee Only. Only melee heroes are used.
-ro Ranged Only. Only ranged heroes are used.
-er Experimental Runes. Uses an experimental rune spawning system.
so Switch On. Allows use of the -switch command. Leavers items can be unlocked by -unlock command when this mode is activated.
-zm Zoom mode. Observers will view the game from a zoomed out state.
-cp Capture Point. Specific areas appear at 10 minute mark. Capturing them grants various bonus auras.
-wtf Fun mode. Spells have no cooldown or manacost.

Commands tips:

NOTE: Gives you various helpful pointers about your hero throughout the game. 

-random Random. Gives you a random hero in modes like All Pick. You get 250 extra gold.
-random int Random. Gives you a random Intelligence hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
-random str Random. Gives you a random Strength hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
-random agi Random. Gives you a random Agility hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
-ma Displays the heroes your opponents control and their levels. Alias: -matchup.
-ms Displays your hero's current movement speed. Alias: -movespeed.
-apm Displays apm ( actions per minute ) of all players.
-cs Displays your creep kills, denies, and neutral kills.
-switch # Allows you to switch teams with another player. Other players vote with -ok or -no after this command is entered.
-cson Activates the cs display to display your creep kills and denies.
-es Enables selection helper. This is enabled by default. Alias: -enableselection
-es Disables selection helper. Alias: -disableselection
-csoff Deactivates the cs display.
-c Center. Locks the camera on your hero.
-co Centeroff. Turns center mode off.
-disablehelp Prevents certain spells, such as Test of Faith cast by an allied Holy Knight, from affecting you. Also prevents allies from picking up your items in the fountain area.
-enablehelp Re-enables effects from certain allied spells and allows allies to pick up your items in the fountain area.
-unstuck Pauses your hero for 60 seconds, after which you are teleported to your base.
-recreate Sometimes rare glitches occur with certain heroes, recreate can fix those glitches. Recreate takes about 2 minutes to complete, and only works on Lycanthrope, Lifestealer, Dragon Knight, Soul Keeper, and Tormented Soul.
-swap # Offers to swap your hero with another player's. -swaphero # can also be used.
-showmsg Shows messages.
-hidemsg Hides messages.
-showdeny Shows a '!' above a creep when it is denied.
-hidedeny Hides the '!'.
-quote # Plays a hero quote. Writing it without a number will play a random hero quote.
-weather rain Switches weather to rain.
-weather snow Switches weather to snow.
-weather moonlight Switches weather to moonlight.
-weather wind Switches weather to wind.
-weather random Switches to random weather.
-weather off Turns weather off.
-di Enables -cson and -showdeny. Alias: -denyinfo. -di is initially enabled.
-don Shows the death timer. Alias: -deathon
-doff Hides the death timer. -deathoff
-roll # Shows a random number between 1 and the number entered, max of 2000. Default of 100.
-rollon Enables roll command. This is initially enabled.
-rolloff Disables roll command.
-hhn Hides the hero name portion of player's names. Alias: -hideheronames.
-test Enables single player commands.
-mute Toggles sounds on and off.
-clear Clears the messages.
-ii Item info. Shows items of allied heroes on multiboard.
-gameinfo Displays information about the current game modes.
-kickafk # Used to kick a player who has been AFK for a long period of time.
-mines Shows you how many Land Mines you have placed with Goblin Techies.
-mc Shows how many times you have Multicast with Ogre Magi.
-fs Shows how much bonus Strength you have gained from Flesh Heap with Pudge. Alias: -fleshstr
-int Shows how much bonus Intelligence you have gained from Last Word with Silencer.
-ha Shows your average accuracy with Meat Hook or Hookshot.
-aa Shows your average accuracy with Elune's Arrow.
-invokelist Displays all of Invoker's spells, and what reagents are needed to use them.
-water red Makes the water red.
-water green Makes the water green.
-water blue Makes the water blue. water default Makes the water the default color.
-water r g b Sets the water color to the color specified by r, g, and b. Example: "-water 255 0 0" is the same as "-water red".
-water random Sets the water to a random color.
-gg Displays bonus gold gained from Alchemist's Goblin Greed ability.
-rh Displays a random hero name. Alias: -rollhero.

Single Player Commands:


-lvlup # Increases level of your hero by entered value.
-refresh Resets ability cooldowns, sets health and mana of your hero to 100%.
-spawncreeps Spawns creeps from all lanes.
-powerup Spawns runes.
-neutrals Forces neutral spawn.
-kill Kills your last picked hero. This kill will be considered as a suicide.
-gold # Increases your gold by entered value.
-time # Sets time of day. Values should be between 0 and 24.
-killsent Kills sentinel creeps.
-killscourge Kills scourge creeps.
-killall Kills all creeps.
-noherolimitt Allows you to pick multiple heroes.
-trees Forces a tree spawn.
-killwards Removes wards from the map.
-spawnon Enables creep spawn. This is enabled initially.
-spawnoff Disables creep spawn.

Warcraft Cheats

The Frozen Throne - Cheat codes

Press [Enter] to display the player message box, type one of the following cheat codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Code Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

-allyourbasearebelongtous - Win the scenario instantly.

-somebodysetusupthebomb - Lose the scenario instantly.

-iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war so you can see the entire map.

-pointbreak - Units don't need farms (or the equivalent) for support.

-thedudeabides - Receive instant spell performance.

-synergy - Removes technology tree.

-itvexesme - Disable victory.

-whosyourdaddy - Invulnerability and one hit kill

-leafittome # - Adds # lumber to your reserves.

-keysersoze # - Adds # gold to your reserves.

-greedisgood # - Adds # gold and lumber to your reserves.

-motherland [race] # - Level select.

-iocainepowder - Instant kill/decay

-whoisjohngalt - Quick research.

-sharpandshiny - Researches all upgrades.

-riseandshine - Shifts world to morning.

-lightsout - Shifts world to night.

-thereisnospoon - Provides infinite mana.

-warpten - friedly and enemy construction will be fast

-greedisgood [amount] - adds gold and lumber to foes and allies

-fun - funny tavern

-wtf - removes cooldown

-TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - plays a special song

-daylightsavings - Set time of the day

-foodsavings - unlimited food

-strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions

-iseeyourich - unlimited health

-debug - Allows control of units and the ability for Sentinel structures to stand and walk.

-spawncreeps - Spawn creeps.

NOTE: The -test command and the -wtf command must be type right from the beginning of the battle

Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Completing Plants on your Zen Garden

Zen Garden

Zen Garden is a virtual garden where the players keep plants that they have collected, bought from Crazy Dave shop or obtained from presents (Randomly dropped in game). They are the same plants the player uses in the game.
Zen Garden is unlocked by completing the Adventure Mode level 5-4.

All Zen Garden plants have to be watered, fertilized and either bug sprayed or played music to periodically, but nothing negative will happen if the player ignores their needs. After they fully grown, they will begin dropping coins every 30-60 seconds. At midnight (on real time), they will again require water and bug spray or music. Playing Zen Garden is a good way to get money fast.

How to Get Plants on your Zen Garden

1. You can buy the plants from Crazy Dave Shop, but he will only sells you cheap marigolds. He sells 3 plants per real day calendar for $2,5 each.
2. By playing adventure mode, puzzle, mini games, or survival mode, the plant will be randomly dropped
3. Playing survival endless has the highest chance of dropping plants. You just need to keep playing or try to get certain numbers of streaks in it, as all plants can be obtained in it and it is the level with the greatest number of zombies
4. To get a plant that you want, you must use it as you can. Try every plant your lawn has two rows of. By doing this while playing the game, or when the game ends, you'll receive a small pot. (I haven't proof this method yet)

Where You can Get Plants:

Area 1 (lawn): pea shooter, sunflower, cherry bomb, wall nut, potato mine, snow pea, chomper, repeater
Area 2 (night): puff-shroom, sun-shroom, fume-shroom, grave buster, hypno-shroom, scaredy shroom, ice-shroom and doom-shroom
Area 3 (pool): lily pad, squash, threepeater, tangle kelp, jalapeno, spikeweed, torchwood, and tall-nut
Area 4 (night pool with fog): sea-shroom, plantern, cactus, blover, split-pea, starfruit, pumpkin, magnet-shroom
Area 5 (roof): cabbage-pult, kernel-pult, coffee bean, garlic, umbrella leaf, melon-pult

NOTE: Dropped Zen Garden plants will NOT contain normal Marigolds, any of the upgrade plants, or a Flower Pot. (You can get it through Hack though)
NOTE: In Survival Endless, you can get all kind of plants.

Plants vs Zombies Strategy on Survival Endless

Some helpful Strategies for Survival Endless Battle!

Using Cheat Engine on Plants vs Zombies

There's a way to cheat Plants vs Zombies using Cheat Engine. Actually, if you want an easier way, you can use Plants vs Zombies Cheat Trainer program, but I don't recommend it, since it's more dangerous if you don't see the version of the trainer and your game. I have tried it once and it made my game stuck in area 2-5 and unable to autosave, so it safer to use cheat engine, I say.

Infinity Sun Using Cheat Engine:

1. Open your plants vs zombies
2. Open your cheat engine, open proccess list and open Plants vs Zombies.exe. (In my case it's popcapgame.exe)
4. Play your Plants vs Zombies, in the middle of gameplay, look at your sun, for example, your first sun is 50.
5. Insert number 50(your sun) on your Cheat Engine, and click Frist Scan.
6. Play again on your Plants vs Zombies and make sure your sun value changed. For example, your sun becomes 75.
7. Go Back to your Cheat engine, insert number 75 and click Next Scan.
8. If you already get one value on the left column of your Cheat engine, double click it. The value will appear on the bottom column. Change it into whatever value you want. It will become the number of your suns.
9.Please remember that the maximum limit of the sun is 9990. If you change higher, than the risk is on your own
10. You can click the "freeze" so your suns won't decrease
11. It's safer if you delete the old address in your Cheat engine and make a new scan when you proceed on the different play areas of Plant vs Zombies.
12. Happy Gaming!

Infinite Money Using Cheat Engine:

1. Open your plants vs zombies
2. Open your cheat engine, open proccess list and open Plants vs Zombies.exe. (In my case it's popcapgame.exe)
3. Open the shop in your Plants vs Zombies
4. Look at how much you have the money. In this case, your money cannot be 0.
5. Write your money value in the Cheat engine. The value must be divided by 10. For example, if your money is 12340, insert 1234.
6. Click first scan (or new scan)
7. After scan, buy anything so the money value will change.
8. Write your money now. Remember to divided the value by 10. For example, your money now is 11340, write 1134.
9. Click next scan.
10. If you already get one value on the left column of your Cheat engine, double click it and change the value into whatever you want. If not, repeat step 7-9.

Changing Tree of Wisdom Height using Cheat Engine:

1. Open your plants vs zombies
2. Open your cheat engine, open process list and open Plants vs Zombies.exe. (In my case it's popcapgame.exe)
3. Go to Tree of Wisdom in Zen Garden of your Plants vs Zombies
4. Write the height of your Tree of Wisdom in Cheat engine. For example, your height is 101 feet, write 101 in your Cheat engine
5. Click First scan or New scan
8. Go back to your Plants vs Zombies, increase your Tree height by giving it fertilizer. For example, the height became 102.
9. Write the height now in Cheat engine, (for example its 102) and click next scan.
10. If you already got one value in the left column of Cheat engine, double click it, if not, repeat step 8-9
11. After you double click the value, it will appear on the bottom column of Cheat engine. Change the value into whatever you want. It will be your tree height
12. Note: on 1000 ft tall of your tree, it will unlock almost every code, if you already clear the game once.

Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Plants vs Zombies Walkthrough

Cheat Code:

(Some of this codes require at least clear the game once)
Type this codes during gameplay to get:
future: zombie wears future glasses
moustache: zombie now has moustache
sukhbir: toggles the zombie's call for brains-sound
trickedout: lawn mower alternate appearance
daisies (You need 100 ft Tree of Wisdom): grow flowers when zombies die
dance (500 ft): zombies will dance
pinata (1000 ft): candy explosion when zombie dies
tohot (for full version only): infinite sun
slowboke (for full version only): slow motion, only zombies

There are also unlockables that you can get by playing Plants vs Zombies


Gold Trophy = Get all trophies in Mini-Games, Puzzle, and Survival modes
Silver Trophy = Complete Adventure mode one time

Easy Money:

Get the Zen Garden. Water the plants until they do not need anything else, then advance the computer system date ahead. The plants will need water again. Buy new plants, grow them to full size, then sell them. Repeat this to earn more money. You can also use this trick when you have to get Marigolds in Crazy Dave's shop and they are out of stock . Also, if you don't want to change the date, you can give chocolate to your plants to make them give money faster. But be sure that your plants are fully matured.

Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

Swords and Sandals 3 Game Bug

Swords and Sandals 3 is a game for PC by 3rd sense. It is a fun game to play since each characters has funny expressions and actions. It's gameplay is like attacking the enemies in the coloseum on each turns. The most interesting is that this game has a bug or error that allows you to cheat without using cheat engine, so it makes the game easier.

Infinite money:

The glitch you can see is when you enter the Little Fat Kid shop (magic shoppe).
Click on the most expensive spell that you can buy. Once you see the "Buy" sign pop up, don't click the "buy" yet, instead click inventory. The "Buy" Sign should still be there. Click it, and you will receive money equal to the cost of the spell! Repeat until you have the amount of money that you want. WARNING!!! if you have any spells in your inventory it WILL sell them, and might often give you 400 gold, so sell all spells before trying.

I think that this method work on every shop, but on other shop, it will be more complicated since it has bug. On the other shop, you must go back to the EXACT SAME item and id if you want to get the money. You should only have to do it 1,2,3 or 4 times, or else it won't work. so it's safer on the magic shop.

Infinite status:

If you have enchanted item or weapons that give you a bonus status (like increasing +1 on critical mastery, dodge mastery, or others), equip it and go back to world map. Then return to your inventory, unequip it, and go back to world map. When you equip it again, you will see that your stats has increased permanently.

WARNING!!! the maximum ability stats limit is 10 for each. you can exceed those limit BUT be sure to give some space for other ability status, so you can increase them when you level up. If you maximize all the status, when you level up, you can't increase it again and the game will FREEZE.

Easy Level Up:

Defeat an arena champion, then you will be leveled up. Increase your skill points, but before you advancing to the next chapter, exit the game then open it again. Click on "Load Gladiator" and your character will have leveled up. But for your information, you can only level up until your level is one higher than the arena champion. If you want to level up again, just beat the next arena champion and do this method again. It will work as long as you can defeat the arena champion.

Vs Arena Champion Strategy:
1. Increase your Dodge Mastery and Parry Mastery
2. Equip item that increase your dodge and parry %. With dodge and parry mastery maxed out, you will have more than 50% parry and dodge. In my case, I equip all things that increase my dodge up to 110% chance and 58% parry. It will make your fight easier since you won't get hit even once when battling arena champion.
3. When battling arena champion that use magic, focus on increasing your armor. You can also increase your Armourer talent.
4. Buy and equip item that increase your +Chance to hit, because in future champion battle, some of them will have high dodge%.
5. Maximize your Whirlwind talent. It will give you chance to one-hit-kill enemy. it will helps you when fight champion with high armor
6. Increase your Critical Mastery talent

Easy battle and more rarer items:

If you have 2 or more character profile, play your strongest character that it's "Archaeologist" ability has maxed out. Go back to main menu and play your weaker character. Then, the shop is filled with rare items from your stronger one, and your weaker character's enemies doesn't have anything to equip when you battle them. It's all because the enemies use the equipment that sold in the store, and the store items level are too high for them.