
Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

Warcraft Cheats

The Frozen Throne - Cheat codes

Press [Enter] to display the player message box, type one of the following cheat codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Code Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

-allyourbasearebelongtous - Win the scenario instantly.

-somebodysetusupthebomb - Lose the scenario instantly.

-iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war so you can see the entire map.

-pointbreak - Units don't need farms (or the equivalent) for support.

-thedudeabides - Receive instant spell performance.

-synergy - Removes technology tree.

-itvexesme - Disable victory.

-whosyourdaddy - Invulnerability and one hit kill

-leafittome # - Adds # lumber to your reserves.

-keysersoze # - Adds # gold to your reserves.

-greedisgood # - Adds # gold and lumber to your reserves.

-motherland [race] # - Level select.

-iocainepowder - Instant kill/decay

-whoisjohngalt - Quick research.

-sharpandshiny - Researches all upgrades.

-riseandshine - Shifts world to morning.

-lightsout - Shifts world to night.

-thereisnospoon - Provides infinite mana.

-warpten - friedly and enemy construction will be fast

-greedisgood [amount] - adds gold and lumber to foes and allies

-fun - funny tavern

-wtf - removes cooldown

-TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - plays a special song

-daylightsavings - Set time of the day

-foodsavings - unlimited food

-strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions

-iseeyourich - unlimited health

-debug - Allows control of units and the ability for Sentinel structures to stand and walk.

-spawncreeps - Spawn creeps.

NOTE: The -test command and the -wtf command must be type right from the beginning of the battle

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