
Rabu, 02 Juli 2014

Swords and Sandals 3 Game Bug

Swords and Sandals 3 is a game for PC by 3rd sense. It is a fun game to play since each characters has funny expressions and actions. It's gameplay is like attacking the enemies in the coloseum on each turns. The most interesting is that this game has a bug or error that allows you to cheat without using cheat engine, so it makes the game easier.

Infinite money:

The glitch you can see is when you enter the Little Fat Kid shop (magic shoppe).
Click on the most expensive spell that you can buy. Once you see the "Buy" sign pop up, don't click the "buy" yet, instead click inventory. The "Buy" Sign should still be there. Click it, and you will receive money equal to the cost of the spell! Repeat until you have the amount of money that you want. WARNING!!! if you have any spells in your inventory it WILL sell them, and might often give you 400 gold, so sell all spells before trying.

I think that this method work on every shop, but on other shop, it will be more complicated since it has bug. On the other shop, you must go back to the EXACT SAME item and id if you want to get the money. You should only have to do it 1,2,3 or 4 times, or else it won't work. so it's safer on the magic shop.

Infinite status:

If you have enchanted item or weapons that give you a bonus status (like increasing +1 on critical mastery, dodge mastery, or others), equip it and go back to world map. Then return to your inventory, unequip it, and go back to world map. When you equip it again, you will see that your stats has increased permanently.

WARNING!!! the maximum ability stats limit is 10 for each. you can exceed those limit BUT be sure to give some space for other ability status, so you can increase them when you level up. If you maximize all the status, when you level up, you can't increase it again and the game will FREEZE.

Easy Level Up:

Defeat an arena champion, then you will be leveled up. Increase your skill points, but before you advancing to the next chapter, exit the game then open it again. Click on "Load Gladiator" and your character will have leveled up. But for your information, you can only level up until your level is one higher than the arena champion. If you want to level up again, just beat the next arena champion and do this method again. It will work as long as you can defeat the arena champion.

Vs Arena Champion Strategy:
1. Increase your Dodge Mastery and Parry Mastery
2. Equip item that increase your dodge and parry %. With dodge and parry mastery maxed out, you will have more than 50% parry and dodge. In my case, I equip all things that increase my dodge up to 110% chance and 58% parry. It will make your fight easier since you won't get hit even once when battling arena champion.
3. When battling arena champion that use magic, focus on increasing your armor. You can also increase your Armourer talent.
4. Buy and equip item that increase your +Chance to hit, because in future champion battle, some of them will have high dodge%.
5. Maximize your Whirlwind talent. It will give you chance to one-hit-kill enemy. it will helps you when fight champion with high armor
6. Increase your Critical Mastery talent

Easy battle and more rarer items:

If you have 2 or more character profile, play your strongest character that it's "Archaeologist" ability has maxed out. Go back to main menu and play your weaker character. Then, the shop is filled with rare items from your stronger one, and your weaker character's enemies doesn't have anything to equip when you battle them. It's all because the enemies use the equipment that sold in the store, and the store items level are too high for them.

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